Conneaut Area Senior High
Department of Music
One of the key functions of the Friends of Music is coordinating fundraising for Music students. These fundraisers help students earn money to pay for Music Department activities, such as overnight and day trips, marching band equipment, and band jackets. Fundraising also helps pay for supplies, transportation, awards, maintenance on the Marching Band truck and trailer and much more. As the School District continues to squeeze their budget, it becomes more important for us as Friends of Music to raise funds so that our students can continue to experience a great music education and music experience.
Daffin's Candy Bar Sales
Students in the Music Department have the opportunity to sell Daffin's Candy Bars to help raise money. The candy bars come in boxes of 50 assorted bars and students make $25 in their Music Department student account for each box they sell. Students can only take out one box at a time. Students or parents should contact Ann Flavin at 584-587-2506 or theflavins@hotmail.com or via facebook messenger if they would like to get a box of Daffin's to sell.
Sarris Christmas Candy Sales
Our Annual Sarris Christmas Candy Brochure sale will start on October 18, 2019 and continue through November 8, 2019. All material will be passed out to the CASH music students during Band and Chorus Classes. Students will receive 25% of everything they sell as a credit in their Music Department Student Account. If you have any questions about the Sarris Candy Sale, you can contact Terri Stine.
Students can also sell Sarris online. Please see the brochure and attached informational paper for information on how to sell online.
FlipGive is an ongoing fundraiser where the Friends of Music earns money when you shop online. It is very easy to use and earn money for the Music Department. Before you buy something online, go to FlipGive.com and start your shopping trip there. You can shop all the popular brands and we earn up to 50% cash back! By a gift card or shop at your favorite online retainer, even shopping at Walmart.com earns us cash.
Here is how to support our fundraiser:
Visit FlipGive by clicking the link below
Buy and offer or shop online
We earn cash back!