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Volunteer Clearances

PA Act 153 – Requiring Comprehensive Criminal and Child Abuse Background Checks

As you may be aware, PA Act 153 of 2014 went into effect January 1, 2015. This law require that every person responsible for the welfare of youth obtain and keep on file, comprehensive and regularly updated criminal and child abuse background checks. This law will have a direct impact on paid employees working with children as well as unpaid adult volunteers in Pennsylvania, including those involved in the Friend of Music.

Going forward, this new PA law requires that volunteers working with children obtain the following background checks and clearances:

  1. PA Child Abuse Clearance 

  2. PA State Police Criminal History Record Check 

  3. Fingerprint-based FBI Criminal History Record Check 

    • ​Volunteers that have lived in PA consistently for the last ten years can be exempted from the FBI Criminal History Check by submitting in writing a disclaimer which can be found below.  


Information from the Conneaut School District on how to complete your clearances online can be found by clicking here.  

All adult volunteers with the Friends of Music over the age of 18 will be required to obtain their background checks and clearances before before they can be permitted to help. 


Please note the following exceptions:

  • Adults that are selling tickets, food or other items and will not have responsibility for the students will not need to obtain clearances. They will be required to work with a “supervisor” that has clearances when the students are present.

  • Young adults (18 - 21 years of age) that will not be supervising students (i.e. they will not be left as the only responsible party) will NOT have to obtain clearance. These young adults will always be acting under the supervision of a staff member or other volunteer with clearances.

If you do not want to complete your clearances online, you can download, print and mail in the following forms:

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Ann Flavin at or 814-587-2506

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